transform parity
Among adolescent girls, the decision to continue learning or to drop out is not individually driven, rather it is impacted by various social and cultural influences. Girls often lack agency, or even the awareness of these factors, forcing them to make uninformed choices that affect their learning potential, and their life outcomes.
Using Participatory Action and Reflection (PAR), the PARity programme enables adolescent girls to understand how gender and patriarchy affects them; and equips them with the skills to challenge gender barriers and change mindsets on gender equity.
Transform PARity is a 10-day programme, spread across an academic year. It enables dialogue and observable changes in knowledge, attitude, belief, and practice (KABP) of girls in the last 5 years of their education and of the community of actors surrounding them. Beyond the focus on girls, there is a deeper engagement with facilitators and stakeholders as well. Facilitators use Participatory Action and Reflection (PAR) workshops and resources - adapted to local contexts - to initiate dialogue among the girls, and enable them to identify gendered barriers and enablers which influence their decision-making.
Enhanced agency in decision making of personal choices, aspirations & assets
Self perception in gender-based barriers for girls in education and societal norms
Enhanced mobility to access pathways to exercise their agency to transition into higher education and skilled employment
Support from other actors such as parents, and communities, to exercise their choices and decisions
girls in Odisha do not think boys are better in academics
Girls in West Bengal have reported improved knowledge about higher education and STEM career options from baseline (39%) to endline (64%)
of the girls in the endline had a clear plan for their post-secondary course
girls in Odisha and West Bengal